Photo of Ramón Echagüe Spain

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19.69 x 15.75 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
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The artistic activity of the Madrid painter has been going through a large temporary space since, in the early sixties and when he passed through the first years of high school, participated in various school competitions and exhibitions, where he earned several awards, specifically granted by the then Ministry of Education.

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Turning next and as a summary of years of college, first at the School of Architecture (career that ended) or the Faculty of Economics and Business (which, however, if completed), both of Madrid, all of them simultaneously with staff working for several years, was previously discussed as a painter because you do not count with enough free time to devote to activities of an artistic nature. However, done throughout this period, the mid-sixties to mid seventies, a total of thirty paintings, some in oil and many watercolors and ink drawings and comes to exhibit in a couple of occasions in the municipalities of Villaviciosa de Odon Madrid and Brunete, mainly on grounds relating to manchego type landscapes and scenery of the capital city.

Referring now to the next period between mid-seventies and early nineties, the painter goes through a period of intense work and professional dedication happening very reluctantly, to the background artistic aspects. Yet recently, little by little, with a series of about forty works, oil paintings, watercolors and acrylic, with an agenda that continuing with the implementation of urban landscapes and scenery adds coastal issues of Cantabria and Asturias and the beginning the use of the pen, or a combination of multi-colored pens for drawing portraits and caricatures as a hybrid of drawing, painting.

From the early nineties and during the last twenty years running what might be considered the "stage" or stage "more mature" by this author during which progressively increases the use of "temperature thick" by using a minimum amount of liquidity is very close to the oil technique. Painted on canvas sheet or, as appropriate, and sometimes uses wood for support. It also continues to develop the "Technical pens" that is cited in a previous paragraph.

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In this last period production is considerably higher than in the past, the result of a greater emphasis on this aspect. Overall, the author makes a total of about 170 paintings. Not only increases the amount but also the reasons for extending the work to still lifes, a little unorthodox, recreations of Impressionist painters symbols etc. During this period produced a total of nine exhibitions in town halls, centers home culture and Regional Madrid, León, Guadalajara and Cantabria.

In short and sum of all periods considered, this artist has accomplished to date, production can be calculated in a total of 250 paintings, drawings and sketches apart of all kinds, of which the author currently maintains over 70 ready and willing to be exposed.


1 "> If we consider that, except for training Basic received during the Baccalaureate in art and further gained in its initial studies of architecture as a practice of drawing and art in general is concerned, this painter has made special studies of drawing or painting technique, training can be framed clearly in the section on "self-taught artist." This is corroborated by both the style and technique that uses somewhat unorthodox in both areas mentioned, it was the Academic, are guided by their own artistic intuition and ideas when choosing the materials to use and represent objects and ideas. The fact mixing technique acuarelística, with the "temperature dense" and the use of ink and pens are a good example of what is meant.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph carries a non-professional nature of the artistic activities of the author (at least so far), considered simply "a connoisseur" of Painting Activa. While it has sold some paintings, most of which have been donated to municipalities and regional houses of culture, or distributed among relatives and friends. The rest, up to a total of approximately 70 works, the author remains in power.

Referring finally), the agenda covered by your overall work, this is distinguished precisely by their variety, and that while the landscape "a open nature" and rural views of farms, mills, cattle etc. occupy a good percentage of his work, also contains a significant number of recreation (not copies) of well-known paintings, most notably in the nineteenth century impressionist masters, and a series of portraits, more or less symbolic issues, urban nature landscapes etc.


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-PONFERRADA (Casino Mining) - March 2009

CITY OF THE MOOR-SIL (Leon)-August 2010

BOCÍGANO-BED (Guadalajara) - May to September 2010





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